Welcome to day 2 of the Nativity stitch along. Today we start stitching! We are going to cover how to make satin stitch and how to make backstitch. We start with satin stitch.
Satin stitch is used of fill in a shape. Before you start stitch you need to determine what shape you are filling and what direction you want your stitches to go. It is best to start in the middle and work toward one edge. After the first side is completed you will go back to the middle and work in the opposite direction to fill in the rest of the shape.
PRO TIP: Be consistent with you are needle placement. Try to make all of needle points be on the same part of your line, either outside the line, or on the line. You don’t want half you needle points on the line and other half over the line. This will make your edges look sloppy. Remember, it’s okay to unpick a stitch and try again. Take your time and make your edges smooth.
On the Nativity pattern three areas have satin stitch; Joseph’s headscarf, Mary’s headscarf and the manger. Each area of satin stitch has its own direction or angle for the stitches.
In the image, you can see that Mary and Joseph’s head scarves are stitched on a slight angle. The stitches for each go in opposite directions. Then on the manger, you can see that there are three directions for the stitches. For this section, I used the satin stitch to help define and explain the shape. Each group of stitches helps show a different part of the manger.
Backstitch is used for the detail work in the manger. You need to complete the satin stitch before you make the backstitch. This stitching order makes for easier stitching and cleaner lines.
PRO TIP: Make your stitches all be the same size. This gives you work a polished look.
Be sure to check out the video for day 2 (below), to get specific tips on backstitch for manger in the Nativity hoop.
Note that if you view the video on youtube or on a mobile device the video will be larger and easier to see.
I hope you have enjoyed day 2 for the Nativity stitch along. Satin stitch and backstitch are two of the foundational stitches for hand embroidery. Tomorrow we will work on baby Jesus and other details for Mary and Joseph. If you missed day 1 you can find it here. You can find the stitching schedule here. If you have any questions leave a comment and I’ll answer them ASAP.