In this post you will find links to all four parts of the video tutorial. Each part covers a different section of the hoop. All are stitched in real time, while I explain each step. The tutorial videos were created as I stitched on an 8″ hoop. However, the instructions and method are the same for both the 8″ hoop and the 4″ hoop. There a couple small differences between the two sizes and they are called out in the instructions as well as the Nativity Kings Tutorial video.
The videos below can be viewed here in this post or on YouTube. If you are viewing this on a phone, I recommend watching the tutorial in the YouTube app. This will allow you to use your full screen, and let you see all the little details.
In part one of the Nativity Kings Tutorial we cover a quick tip about tracing the pattern. Then we stitch the first basket weave. While we stitch, I give you all my best tips about making basket weaves.
Next, in part two we cover the second and third basket weaves. I also explain a little update I made to the third basket weave. For this version of the pattern, I decided to go with a simpler weave instead of my original choice that was a little to complicated. The updated weave will make stitching your hoop easier, with the same great finished result. (Find more info on the two different weaves here.)
In part 3 we cover stitching the camel’s body. We will cover satin stitch, while learning to change the angle of our stitches and work through a unique shape.
In part 4 stitch the gifts. The gifts are full of fun detail. We will learn, fishbone, whipped backstitch, backstitch, chain stitch, and French knots. Be sure to keep and eye out for difference between the 8″ hoop size and the 4″ hoop size.
Part 5 covers stitching the camel’s blanket. The blanket is made up of several stitches we have covered and a fun new one. We will learn Turkey work stitch, and review French knots. We will also use a basic straight stitch to create a boarder texture.
In this last part we finish the hoop by fill in the rest of the robes, and making the crowns. In this part we get to use some of the most common stitches in new ways to make accents and texture. We will also be trimming the Turkey work stitches from the previous video.
If you have any questions about stitching this hoop, supplies or anything else embroidery you can reach me hear. I am always happy to answer your questions and help where I can.