Nativity stitch along day 6. Welcome to the last day of our stitch along! I saved the best for last. Woven wheels are very simple to make but leave a big impact. I simply love the texture they give Mary in the Nativity hoop. Let’s start stitching. How to make woven wheels The principle of […]

November 13, 2021

How to make Woven Wheels.

Nativity stitch along day 5. We are getting so close to finishing the Nativity hoop! We only have two stitches left to learn. Today we will learn the turkey works stitch. On the Nativity hoop, turkey work is what makes the fun loops on Joseph’s body. Let’s get started. One stitch – many looks Turkey […]

November 12, 2021

How to make Turkey Work stitch.

Nativity stitch along day 4. It’s day four of our stitch along! Today are going to cover the last bit of detail work and learn French knots. We will fill in the heads of Mary and Joseph, as well as stitch the star. Let’s get stitching. How to make French knots French knots are one […]

November 11, 2021

How to make French knots and make the star.

Nativity stitch along day 3. Welcome to Day 3! Today we are going to cover two more stitches, chain stitch and whipped backstitch. We are also going to cover making satin stitch in a different shape than on day 1. Lets get stitching! How to make chain stitch. Chain stitch is one of my very […]

November 10, 2021

How to make chain stitch and whipped backstitch.

Nativity stitch along day 2. Welcome to day 2 of the Nativity stitch along. Today we start stitching! We are going to cover how to make satin stitch and how to make backstitch. We start with satin stitch. How to make satin stitch Satin stitch is used of fill in a shape. Before you start […]

November 9, 2021

How to make satin stitch and backstitch.

Welcome to day 1 of the Nativity stitch along! Today we are going to cover the embroidery supplies needed for this project, setting up your hoop, and tracing the pattern. Let’s get started. (Scroll to the bottom to see the video for day 1.) Supplies For the Nativity hoops you will need: Pattern 8″ Hoop […]

November 8, 2021

Embroidery Supplies And Tracing. Nativity Stitch Along – Day 1.

Ever since I started my business over a year and half ago, I have wanted to find a way to stitch along with my community. There is something extra special about working on a project with the support of a community. Today I am excited to announce that I have a plan for us to […]

November 1, 2021

Nativity Scene Stitch Along

Growing up at my house, Christmas was a beautiful event with matching wrapping paper, garlands, stockings and at least one three with all the special family ornaments. Like many families, we would each get a new Christmas ornament every year. I LOVED this tradition. It was always so exciting to see what my mom would […]

October 26, 2021

5 DIY Christmas Ornaments

DIY Christmas ornament hoops arranges like a Christmas tree.